
State of Forestry Industries

Solomon Islands’ timber industry has two main sectors: the dominant natural forest sector and the smaller plantations sector. The latter includes both industrial-scale plantations operated by corporate interests and smallholder (or village) plantations established and managed by customary landowners. The majority of the timber produced in Solomon Islands, including that from natural forests and industrial plantations, is exported as unprocessed round logs. Only very limited quantities of timber are processed for local use or export. Direct SIG revenue from the timber industry is almost exclusively derived from duties paid on export of logs cut from natural forests.

Over the past decades, the main activity was the extraction of Timber and products for round log export of commercial species. Logging activities started in the 1930s’ on crown land and continued to intensified until 1980s’ when all crown land have been completely exhausted. In the late 1980s’ the Logging Industry started to enter into the Customary Land with arrangement and contract made directly with Resource owners. This was when heavy extraction and exploitation occurred well above the sustainable allowable cut. In 2005 Round Log export increases dramatically to reach 1 million cubic meters which is 4 times the sustainable rate of harvesting. This rate of extraction causes rapid depletion of the Natural Commercial stand. A National Inventory was carried in 2006, to assess the remaining commercial stand and a wood flow projection was produced. The scenario produced, predicted a rapid depletion of the commercial forest stand volume and by 2010 and complete depletion by 2015. This is the present scenario of the Timber industry of Solomon Islands.

Contact Info

Welcome to Solomon Islands Ministry of Forestry and Research.
Foresty, Lengakiki,
PO Box G24,
Honiara, Solomon Islands



Solomon Islands 32.4% Solomon Islands
Unknown 27.3% Unknown
Australia 12.7% Australia
United States of America 10.3% United States of America
China 3.7% China



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